Tonight, on the 24th of December, we share with you our last #BDiSInsight story of this year. A Christmas Carol-inspired story about O’Dennenboom Company, a struggling family-owned Dutch candlemaking business.

Once upon a time in the picturesque town of Delft, nestled along the enchanting canals, there stood a once-flourishing candle company known far and wide for its exquisite craftsmanship. The Dennenboom family had proudly carried the torch of candlemaking brilliance for generations, delighting customers with candles that were more than just wax and wick – they were moments of warmth and memories.

As the years danced by, the company grew to be a beacon in the candle world, employing 40 skilled artisans and earning a reputation that echoed beyond Dutch borders. However, the winds of change blew steadily over the last decade, casting a shadow on the once vibrant flames of success.

Meet Otto Dennenboom, the second-generation torchbearer of this illustrious family legacy. Once a jovial and prosperous candlemaker, Otto found himself grappling with the icy fingers of decline in recent years. The market, once familiar and local, had matured into an international playing field dominated by conglomerates.

Yet, Otto, a conservative entrepreneur of the old school, clung to the past. The changing dynamics eluded him, and he harbored a deep aversion to the very thought of marketing and communication. Every euro spent on such endeavors seemed to him like setting fire to precious wax.

As sales dwindled, Otto's once warm and welcoming demeanor turned cold and cranky. Unbeknownst to him, the buyers' journey had transformed. The customers he once knew so well were now navigating a different path, influenced by international giants and swayed by modern marketing strategies.

Enter the spectral consultants from BDiS – the Ghosts of Business Development Past, Present, and Future. As Christmas approached, and people were merry, the Ghost of Business Development Past took gloomy Otto on a journey through the candlelit memories of the company's golden era, showing him the joy his candles brought and the connections they forged.

Two nights prior to Christmas, The Ghost of Business Development Present revealed the stark reality of the current market, where the old ways no longer kindled the same warmth. Modern buyers were looking for different flames, and the company's dwindling presence in their journey left it in the shadows.

The Ghost of Business Development Future, with a flicker of hope, showed Otto, on the eve of Christmas, his beautiful companies’ untapped potential. "Wait a minute, Otto," the ghost whispered, "there are opportunities amidst the shadows. Let us guide you in repositioning your company, communicating its quality and artistry in a way that resonates with the changed hearts of your customers."

In an ethereal workshop led by BDiS, Otto learned to embrace change, leveraging the skilled labor and exceptional quality his company possessed. They crafted a new narrative, blending tradition with innovation, and using the magic of strategic business development to rekindle the flame.

Otto, once averse to marketing, discovered its power in illuminating the path to the hearts of the new-age customers. With renewed vigor, he embraced the holiday spirit, offering a limited-time special – a candle that not only lit up rooms but also hearts, capturing the essence of old-world charm in a modern market.

As the festive season approached, the candles adorned not just homes but also the shelves of discerning buyers who had rediscovered the magic of the O’Dennenboom Company. And thus, in the glow of a thousand candles, Otto Dennenboom found not only the success of yesteryears but a flame of resilience and innovation that would guide his family legacy for generations to come.

And so, with the echoes of "Merry Christmas" dancing in the Delft air, the story of O’Dennenboom Company unfolded, proving that even the oldest flames can be reignited with a dash of strategic brilliance and a sprinkle of holiday magic.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Meet the O’Dennenboom Company