Unconscious Competence

The concept of conscious competence is a well-known model used to describe the stages of personal skill development and learning. It consists of four stages, aiding individuals in understanding their own competency levels and recognizing where they stand in their learning process.

This model is also applicable to businesses. For instance, what is your level of competence, particularly in strategic commercial aspects? BDiS focuses on brutally honest SMEs that recognize they are stuck in stage two, unconscious incompetence.

Through a 6-step plan (The BDiS Method) we highlight pain points, uncover root causes, and devise a strategic model to optimize your business development activities. Together we will transform your unconscious incompetence towards your desired outcome; being intuitively competent.

Where does your company find itself if you’re being honest? Have a look:

1. Unconscious Incompetence: At this stage, companies lack awareness of their incompetence in a particular skill or field. They are unaware of what they don't know, which may lead to overconfidence or underestimation of opportunities or a misunderstanding of their product-market fit. Essentially, they are "ignorantly unaware."

2. Conscious Incompetence: This is ideally where we first meet for a cup of coffee. Here, companies come to realize their lack of competence in a specific area, for example their buyers journey. They become aware of their deficiency in skill or knowledge and recognize that there is room for improvement. They transition from "ignorance to awareness."

3. Conscious Competence: In this stage, companies are consciously aware of their competence. They have learned and practiced, acquiring the necessary skills or knowledge for a particular task or field. They may have to update their positioning and route-to-market strategy, however, this may still require conscious effort and concentration to perform.

4. Unconscious Competence: This represents the highest level of competence. Companies have become so skilled in a particular area that they can perform without conscious effort. It has become second nature to them, and they are "intuitively competent." This is the time to fully concentrate on sales, and where we would part ways as good friends.

Feel free to reach out to us for further details and information.